Former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Ajit Jogi, who was admitted in a private hospital in Raipur after suffering a cardiac arrest, has slipped into a coma, a senior doctor attending him said on......
Former Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh Ajit Jogi on Wednesday night suffered a heart attack and was admitted to a hospital in New Delhi. Jogi, 59, is believed to be in a serious condition and is......
The Communist Party of India on Sunday announced that it had entered into an alliance with Ajit Jogi's outfit Janata Congress Chhattisgarh for the assembly polls in the state. The Chhattisgarh......
Ajit Jogi, an IAS officer-turned-politician who went on to become the first chief minister of Chhattisgarh in 2000, died on Friday at a Raipur hospital where he was being treated for the......
After being bound to a wheelchair for nearly nine years, Ajit Jogi took his first steps with the help of bionic supporters. R Krishna Das talks to the former Chhattisgarh chief minister about his......
Immediately on taking over as chief minister of Chhattisgarh Ajit Jogi seems to have realised fully the use of economics as a political tool. Few understood his strategy when Jogi passed a......