The premiere of Kamal Haasan's Telugu film Cheekati Rajyam was held at the Prasads Imax theatre in Hyderabad recently. Its Tamil version Thoongaa Vanam has already......
The latest updates from the Telugu film industry. After a super-successful Drushyam and Gopala Gopala, Venkatesh will team up with director Maruthi for his next film. It will be produced......
A lowdown on all the goings-on in the Tamil film industry. Image: Kamal Haasan in Thoongavanam The shooting for Kamal Haasan's bilingual film -- titled Thoongavanam in Tamil and Cheekati......
A look at the top tweets from your favourite Bollywood celebrities. Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan's cold war ended a while ago when they appeared at public places, and hugged.........
'Kamal Haasan works with people who have a certain level of talent and skill set. He likes to work with people again and again, with whom he can relate to, and with whom he can have a conversation......