With eight of its 11 MLAs joining the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party in Goa on Wednesday, a question mark has arisen over the Congress retaining the Leader of Opposition post in the assembly in the......
The assembly poll results on Thursday brought gloom for several political heavyweights, including two current and five former chief ministers, who lost the electoral battle from their respective......
The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party has managed to contain dissent in most areas in the run-up to the Goa assembly polls scheduled for February 14, but four seats, including the prestigious Panaji......
The biggest jolt the Congress came in 2019 when a group of its 10 MLAs, led by then leader of opposition Chandrakant Kavlekar, left the party together and joined the ruling BJP. IMAGE: Goa Pradesh......
Overcoming anti-incumbency, the Bharatiya Janata Party on Thursday emerged as the single largest party in Goa by winning 20 assembly seats, just one shy of the halfway mark, and quickly enlisted......