Obscenity, cheating and sexual exploitation are India’s leading cyber crimes, reports Chaitanya Mallapur. Cyber crimes reported in India rose 19 times over the last ten years (2005 to 2014),......
Despite a 187 km, seven-line metro network carrying 2.4 million commuters every day, private vehicles rose 92 per cent over the last 15 years Delhi’s transport sector produces six times as......
This can happen if the government reaches its goal of 100 giga watts of solar photovoltaic energy and 60 GW of wind energy, says Chaitanya Mallapur, IndiaSpend.com. As India - the world’s......
Wealth of the richest 62 people rose 44% in the five years since 2010, while that of the bottom half fell by 41% Just 62 individuals had the same wealth as 3.5 billion people - the bottom half of......
More people will be literate, on the Internet, linked to the national identification scheme and likely to receive electricity, especially from alternative-energy sources. The new year has many......