Karnataka and Tamil Nadu on Monday sparred at the meeting of Cauvery supervisory committee in New Delhi over the latter's share of the Cauvery water. Tamil Nadu sought an assurance from Karnataka......
Terming the Supreme Court’s order directing Karnataka to release 6,000 cusecs of Cauvery water to Tamil Nadu till September 27 as ‘unimplementable’, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah......
The Tamil Nadu government has approached the Supreme Court over the Cauvery river dispute and sought 10 Thousand Million Cubic water immediately from Karnataka. “Karnataka has received......
The Cauvery Supervisory Committee on Wednesday rejected Tamil Nadu's demand for its share of water saying it was not feasible, given the deficit in inflows and storage level in reservoirs in......
In a move that may set the state on a collision course with the judiciary, a special session of both Houses of Karnataka legislature will be held on Friday to take a call on the Supreme Court's......