Former managing director of Maruti Suzuki India, Jagdish Khattar, passed away on Monday morning following a cardiac arrest, according to people close to him. Khattar (79), a former bureaucrat, was......
In its FIR filed recently, the CBI has named Khattar and his company Carnation Auto India Limited for allegedly causing a loss of Rs 110 crore to Punjab National Bank. The CBI has booked former......
IT major Wipro's promoter Azim Premji is investing Rs 80 crore (Rs 800 million) to acquire a significant minority stake in a company floated by Jagdish Khattar, former managing director of Maruti......
Car thefts are common in India. And while there is no fool-proof mechanism to guard against thefts, there are several gadgets available that will help locate and recover them.For instance, Surjeet......
Faced with stricter recall & testing norms, industry puts up a brave face, saying recalls improve consumer confidence Even as the government is mulling to make the automobile testing and recall......