The Hindu American Foundation upped the ante in its teach-real-Hinduism in American schools campaign by announcing it has hired a law firm to represent it in its imminent interactions with the......
'The Indian government has accepted and is a party to international agreements, standards and conventions on religious freedom.''We did not force it on them. We are not trying to impose something......
The grassroots US Consumer Coalition has launched a campaign to save Uber. Uber needs to ensure safety of its passengers in the markets it operates, Yahoo chairman Maynard Webb has said in the......
'How many people have been skilled up and thus able to escape from needing to be in NREGA?' 'The true success of NREGA would lie in its irrelevance -- that is, people no longer need it as a......
Everybody wants a piece of real estate. The sector has been growing at 25-30 per cent a year since 2003, fired primarily by low interest on housing loans and the rising affluence of homebuyers.......
"I'm just lucky to be alive." Mark Zuckerberg, the 22-year-old founder and CEO of social-networking site Facebook, is talking about the time he came face-to-face with the barrel of a gun. It was......