In an Independence Day Special series, celebrates India through the lives of her people. Today: Ashok Kumar Mondol, who drives the tram, a timeless Kolkata classic. Kolkata is the only......
Two decades ago, Calcutta Tramways Company, which operates Asias oldest functional tram service, stepped out of its dedicated segment to launch a bus service. However, as the new venture only......
Call it an image makeover for a moving slice of history, or a blueprint for revival, Calcutta Tramways Corporation, the operator of Asia's oldest functional tram services, is set to soon......
Reopening of closed tram routes is on top of the mind of the authorities Colonial-era charm of trams is being revisited in the city with air-conditioned tram cars being lined up and closed routes......
A lot is often heard about Kolkata’s dwindling traffic system and how its age-old trams, means of transport that are still existing only in this part of India, are adding to the......
The cash-strapped West Bengal government plans to unlock idle land in prime locations, owned by various state-run transport agencies, to raise needed revenue. The state Cabinet has approved a......