Car market leader Maruti Suzuki India on Thursday said it will hike prices by up to Rs 32,500 across various models from February 1 to partially offset the rise in input costs. Due to rising input......
Auto majors Maruti Suzuki India and Hyundai reported muted sales performance in October as the companies curtailed dispatches to dealers in order to cut inventory build up. Photograph: Adnan......
Passenger vehicle wholesales saw a marginal growth of 4 per cent in June on account of high base effect and muted demand due to severe heatwave conditions in several parts of the country.......
Passenger vehicle wholesales in India witnessed a marginal growth in May on account of high base effect and muted demand due to general elections. Photograph: PTI Photo from the Rediff Archives......
Leading carmakers Maruti Suzuki and Hyundai on Thursday reported a dip in wholesales in July as companies reduced vehicle dispatches to dealers amid moderation in demand. Photograph: PTI Photo......