'Install the app for yourself and your family.''Make sure that everybody you come in contact with on a daily basis -- your drivers, your maids, your colleagues at work -- make sure they too are......
A youth from near Mumbai has combined his knowledge of new media with an expertise in science to create an authentic, individual protest against man's destructive......
NTT I3 develops software for parent company's wearable electrodes fabric. Japan-based, $133-billion conglomerate NTT Group, has developed wearable textile electrodes that can be worn on the inside......
Finnish mobile device player Nokia is in reboot mode as it gets ready to bring to India a new version of its 17-year-old iconic Nokia 3310 handset for about Rs 3,500, along with its Android......
If you have the money to splurge and are looking for some hot new functions on your phone, read on. Mobile companies across the globe are all set to woo customers with new gizmos, which go far......
The one good thing about the prices of cell phone models is that they always go down some time after launch. That's the way of price cycles in the gizmo world -- most of the time.But how costly can......