The Rs 84,000 crore domestic fund of funds (FoFs) space, which was in the doldrums over the past 18 months, has now caught the attention of investors due to a change in the tax structure in Budget......
India’s thriving mutual fund (MF) industry is drawing interest from several firms, with multiple applications submitted to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) for asset......
The CEO of Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund, SV Prasad believes the redemptions story is completely overdone. He did agree that there were redemptions, but that was along with net inflows into the MFs'......
Quant funds are a unique offering in the MF space as the investment decisions are driven by a blend of active and passive strategies. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ Quantitative......
Given gains in equity prices, it is not surprising that the earnings of asset management companies (AMCs) are growing quicker. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ The earnings momentum looks......