The Delhi high court on Tuesday directed X Corp and Google Inc to remove alleged objectionable social media posts against Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS) officer and Lok Sabha Speaker Om......
India on Thursday celebrated the 50th anniversary of its victory over Pakistan in the 1971 war that led to redrawing of the political map of South Asia and ended the horrific violence unleashed by......
As General Vijay Kumar Singh's much-talked-about tenure as the Chief of Army Staff finally comes to end on May 31, the controversies surrounding him will surely keep his stint etched in the......
In the shock after Nathuram Godse murdered Mahatma Gandhi that January evening 72 years ago today, a young American diplomat rushed to capture the assassin.Vaihayasi Pande Daniel traces the......
The Calcutta high court on Wednesday rejected an appeal seeking a probe into the late Priyamvada Birla's shareholding in Birla Corporation Ltd, the flagship company of the MP Birla group.Justice......
The second round in the battle between Rajendra Lodha and the Birla family has gone to the Lodha camp, in this case on the issue of the constitution of the board of Birla Corporation Ltd, the M P......
The Indian cement industry is hopeful of greener pastures after a long period of stress led by pricing pressures and other factors. Photograph: Anindito Mukherjee/Reuters The second half of FY25......
The battle for the control of M P Birla group is on but it seems that financial institutions are hardly perturbed by this. FIs are bullish about the prospect of M P Birla flagship Birla Corporation......
It was a replay of the annual general meetings of the cable companies of the M P Birla group last month even as the Birla side raised “illegalities” in the latest poll results. IMAGE:......