Naveen Patnaik’s guest list has been prepared with an eye on the forthcoming Lok Sabha and assembly polls, reports Archis Mohan. In a significant development for Odisha politics,......
Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday made it clear that his Biju Janata Dal will not join any grand alliance (or mahagathbandhan) the opposition parties are trying to form before......
Patnaik’s popularity remains undiminished, and BJP knows it can only challenge him by riding on the shoulders of the PM’s iconic image, reports Archis Mohan. Larger-than-life cutouts......
The road for the Opposition is full of ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’, reports Sunil Gatade. On the opening day of the budget session on January 29, Prime Minister Narendra......
After winning 117 of the 147 assembly seats and 20 of the 21 Lok Sabha seats, the BJD chief was sworn in as CM on Wednesday, becoming the first in the state to be sworn in for the fourth straight......