Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Saturday that he and other Aam Aadmi Party leaders would go to the Bhratiya Janata Party headquarters on May 19 "so that the prime minister can send......
'Is the Agniveer scheme or their post-retirement re-employment in paramilitary forces or in the state governments the BJP's answer to the crying need on the job front?' 'Or, even Finance Minister......
The Telangana Special Investigation Team (SIT) probing the alleged attempt to poach Telangana Rashtra Samiti MLAs has summoned Bhratiya Janata Party national general secretary B L Santhosh to......
Belagavi district with second highest number of assembly seats after Bengaluru Urban -- is expected to witness tough contest between the Bhratiya Janata Party and Congress as Lingayat politics......
Even as the Aam Aadmi Party sees itself the main contender to the ruling Bhratiya Janata Party in Gujarat, where the assembly polls are due later this year, some political experts and the Congress......