Bharti Enterprises on Tuesday said it expected to start its life insurance venture with French major Axa by June end. The Foreign Investment Promotion Board has already cleared Axa's proposal to......
The Rs 6,145-crore initial public offer of electric two-wheeler company Ola Electric Mobility got fully subscribed on the second day of bidding on Monday, driven by demand from retail investors and......
With "profitable growth" replacing "expansion drive" as the buzzword in the sector, the country's top private life insurers have significantly reduced branches and employees over the last couple of......
Life insurance companies have started to cut down their workforce and branch network following tougher norms that came into force in September and exerted pressure on their bottomlines. More than......
After dominating the telecom space, Bharti on Monday forayed into the life insurance sector with its joint venture with global insurance major Axa Asia Pacific launching its operations in India......