Telecom major Bharti Airtel on Friday announced that it will sell 5 per cent stake to Doha-based Qatar Foundation Endowment for around Rs 6,800 crore ($1.26 billion) by issuing over 199.87 million......
Telecom giant Bharti Airtel on Wednesday reported a 9.6 per cent fall in net profit at Rs 688.9 crore (Rs 6.88 billion) for the first quarter ended June 30, 2013. The company had reported a net......
Telecom major Bharti Airtel has clears Rs 6,796 crore (Rs 67.96 billion), or over 10 per cent, of its debt by using the equivalent sum of amount it received by selling five per cent stake to Qatar......
Indian companies signed as many as 655 private equity deals totalling $10.68 billion in 2013, registering an increase of over 12 per cent in value terms over the last year, says a report. According......
Telecom major Bharti Airtel announced on Monday completion of 5 per cent stake sales to Qatar Foundation Endowment for Rs 6,796 crore (Rs 67.96 billion). Airtel has allocated 199,870,006 new equity......