The Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled South Delhi Municipal Corporation Wednesday launched an anti-encroachment drive as part of a 10-day action plan to remove illegal structures from areas within its......
The Bharatiya Janata Party-ruled South Delhi Municipal Corporation will launch a month-long anti-encroachment drive in a number of areas under its jurisdiction, civic authorities said on Monday,......
The Union Cabinet on Tuesday gave its nod to a bill to merge the three municipal corporations in Delhi, a move that is likely to escalate the ongoing power struggle between the Bharatiya Janata......
Despite losing the Municipal Corporation of Delhi polls, the Bharatiya Janata Party fared well in trans-Yamuna areas, including northeast Delhi that was rocked by communal riots in 2020, but its......
The municipal House in Delhi is set to convene on Monday to elect a mayor for the city after failing to carry out the exercise in two previous attempts. IMAGE: AAP councillors get instructions to......
If money allocations, investment commitments are a sign of better things to come, the state can be optimistic. The spread’s certainly better than in many other states, find Sanjay Jog &......