Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Friday termed his past alliances with arch rival Lalu Prasad Yadav's Rashtriya Janata Dal as a 'mistake' that he committed twice but was determined not to......
Please click on the image for a look at the latest in our Yeh Hai India series: Capturing the events and moods across our incredible country. Yeh Hai India IMAGE: Like a group of schoolboys......
The Bharatiya Janata Party is set to kickstart soon the process of wide organisational changes with the launch of a fresh membership drive, followed by an internal poll across states leading up to......
On Tuesday, November 29, 2022, the final day of campaigning before Thursday's first phase of the Gujarat assembly election, the Bharatiya Janata Party fielded an array of leaders to canvass votes......
Almost a week after winning the Assam Assembly polls, Bharatiya Janata Party is likely to decide on the name of its Chief Ministerial nominee on Saturday in a crucial meeting called by the central......