The Uttar Pradesh government has deployed two senior IAS officers, who were part of the team that successfully conducted the 2019 Ardh Kumbh, to oversee the smooth conduct of the Maha Kumbh Mela in......
Former Chief Justice of India J S Khehar, former chief of Suzuki Motor late Osamu Suzuki, Ram temple architect Chandrakant Sompura, folk singer late Sharda Sinha and hockey player PR Sreejesh are......
Allahabad University Vice-Chancellor Sangita Srivastava has complained to the district magistrate that she is forced to wake up too early every day due to azaan being recited on a loudspeaker,......
As the dust finally settles on the outcome of the Lok Sabha elections 2019 and Bharatiya Janata Party along with its NDA allies emerges as the clear winner, here is a list of who won in each of the......
Amazon Prime Video has announced 41 titles in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and English, thereby throwing a challenge to its streaming competitors. Amazon's attractive line-up for the next two years......