Maharashtra has signed MoUs totalling Rs 1.4 lakh crore at Davos on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, following Chief Minister Eknath Shinde's meetings with a number of......
Health issues, divorce, court battles, moral turpitude, and more can all distract the CEO and impinge on a company's performance.So, how much of their private life should a company disclose? asks......
It is almost puzzling to see more old men and women hang around long enough for people to begin wondering 'why not retire?' Warren Buffett is a wise man. The chairman and chief executive officer......
With some $44 billion in cash on Berkshire's balance sheet , and 10-year Treasuries yielding just 2 per cent, Buffett is under pressure to put money to work. Warren Buffett needs luck for his Las......
Legendary investor Warren Buffett said he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, but asserted that his condition is not 'remotely' life-threatening and he feels 'great' with '100 per cent'......