Online retailer Flipkart will announce its merger with rival Myntra on Thursday, it is learnt. Neither Flipkart nor Myntra confirmed it but sources close to the deal, in the works for months, said......
Even as the largest retailer of the world, Amazon, made news recently with its intention to use unmanned drones for quick delivery of goods, Indian e-commerce companies are also turning aggressive......
Marking the biggest consolidation in the e-commerce space in India, homegrown e-retailer Flipkart has acquired online fashion retailer Myntra in an estimated Rs 2,000-crore (Rs 20-billion) deal.......
His decision follows an independent investigation done on behalf of Flipkart and Walmart into an allegation of serious personal misconduct. Bansal, however, denies the allegations. Flipkart Group......
No longer an in-house task; hiring legal eagles is now becoming norm for M&As, fundraising From operating from rented apartments to having offices in prime locations with thousands of employees,......