A Delhi court on Tuesday convicted all the five accused of abducting and gangraping a 30-year-old BPO executive from the northeast in south Delhi's Dhaula Kuan area in 2010. They will be sentenced......
The leader of a five-member gang which had allegedly abducted and raped a 30-year-old call centre employee in New Delhi, was on Monday night arrested from neighbouring Haryana, police said. Kamru......
Five men, convicted in the sensational 2010 Dhaula Kuan gangrape case of a BPO woman executive from north-east, were on Monday given life imprisonment by a Delhi court which said they were......
Kishore Kumar gave us brilliant movies to remember him by. One of them was 1962's Half Ticket, where he starred opposite his wife, Madhubala. We celebrate Kishore's 90th birth anniversary on August......