Delhi Police Commissioner BS Bassi on Tuesday said that Aam Aadmi Party’s Tilak Nagar MLA Jarnail Singh is absconding over his alleged involvement in assaulting an Municipal Corporation of......
Aam Aadmi Party’s Tilak Nagar legislator Jarnail Singh has been booked by the police for allegedly assaulting a Municipal Corporation of Delhi engineer and preventing him from carrying out......
The holy month of Ramazan is witness to the piety of millions of Muslims across the globe unified in their daily ritual of fasting and prayers. Even with the influx of modern technology which......
The holy month of Ramazan is witness to the piety of millions of Muslims across the globe unified in their daily ritual of fasting and prayers. Even with the influx of modern technology which......
Al Qaeda has made jihadi commander Ilyas Kashmiri as its chief military strategist for the region to plan and spearhead terrorist attacks against the West. While Egyptian militant Saif Al-Adal was......
India's players warm up during a practice session in Sydney. Photograph: Solaris Images The best four teams in World Cup 2015 are ready to face-off for the cricketing world’s top honours.......
Australia and Ireland submit provisional squad for the tournament Down Under, but do not release names. The UAE's Khurram Khan, at 43, will be the oldest player (born 21 June 1971) while Yodhin......