With more than 100 crore mobile phones in circulation, nearly 25 per cent end up in e-waste annually India, which has emerged as world's second largest mobile market, is also the fifth largest......
In 50 days, 60% of the work force was let off in retail, agri, textile and other sectors. Traders, retailers and various trade bodies in India have been saying that 100% foreign direct investment......
Trade bodies on Friday welcomed government's focus on developing aviation infrastructure, including no-frill airports, with one of them suggesting that most new airports in non-metro cities should......
The Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets Bill, popularly called the black money Bill, is making corporate India jittery. It feels certain provisions of the Bill are too stringent and could prevent......
India-focused private equity (PE) players are keen on designer brands, but they seem to be wary of investing in retail apparel firms. That explains why no deal has been sealed in the......