The Mumbai Police have registered an FIR against stand-up comedian Vir Das, two other persons and online streaming platform Netflix on charges of copyright rules violation following a complaint by......
Check out some glimpses from Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy's recent Mumbai concert. Mumbai's Royal Western India Turf Club saw a musical evening on Saturday. One of Bollywood's leading......
Check out the star arrivals.Aamir Khan and several other Bollywood stars turned up to catch the 50th show of Ashvin Gidwani's play Two to Tango Three to Jive in Mumbai on April 4.Take a look:......
'Movie tickets cost Rs 500, 600 on weekends. Why would someone want to watch Ananth Mahadevan and Saurabh Shukla in Staying Alive instead of Shah Rukh Khan for Rs 300 in Happy New Year?' 'It's a......
'A friend of mine was going through a midlife crisis with me, so we sat down and talked it out.' 'He said, you know, we are going through a midlife crisis. I asked him for how long it would last.......
The AIB Roast of Karan Johar, Arjun Kapoor and Ranveer Singh may not have gone down well with certain sections of people, but Bottoms Up's incisive social commentary, peppered with delightfully......