Model-turned-actress Gauahar Khan won the seventh season of Bigg Boss and took home the prize money of Rs 50 lakh (Rs 5 million) and the trophy. From fighting for friends to finding love during the......
Model-turned-actress Gauahar Khan won the seventh season of Bigg Boss and took home the prize money of Rs 50 lakh (Rs 5 million) and the trophy. From fighting for friends to finding love during the......
Here's what your favourite Bollywood celebrities are tweeting. With contestant Armaan Kohli getting arrested from the Bigg Boss house for assaulting Sofia Hayat, several celebrities......
Nita and Mukesh Ambani's youngest son Anant got engaged to Radhika Merchant, Shaila Merchant and Viren Merchant's younger daughter, on Thursday, January 19, 2023, and the occasion called for a......
With a whole new set of changes and an interesting mix of inmates, Bigg Boss 7 looks poised to outdo itself. The seventh season of Bigg Boss, if you go by host Salman Khan’s several reminders......