The Bombay high court on Wednesday directed the Mumbai Police to give the advance notice of three days to Republic TV's editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami if it wanted to arrest him in the Television......
The Bombay high court on Tuesday asked what had prompted the Mumbai police to hold a press conference last year over the alleged Television Rating Points (TRP) scam. IMAGE: Republic TV......
The Bombay high court hearing the TRP scam case on Friday extended till March 5 the interim protection against coercive action granted to journalist Arnab Goswami and other employees of ARG......
The Mumbai police on Monday told a local court in Mumbai that Partho Dasgupta, arrested former chief executive officer of Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC), in alleged connivance with......
Republic TV's editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami can use the tagline 'Nation Wants To Know' as part of his speech or presentation as of now, the Delhi high court said on Friday while restraining it from......
Analysts say that Republic TV has to hit the top spot in the shortest possible time if it has to make a dent in the ad market and break even, writes Vanita Kohli-Khandekar. Illustration:......