Chandrasekhar Yeleti made his mark in the Telugu film industry with Aithe, Anukokonda Oka Roju and Okkadunnadu. Besides, he wrote the screenplay for Vara Mullapudi's Visakha Express. Known for......
Chandrasekhar Yeleti has carved a name for himself with films such as Aithe, Anukokonda Oka Roju besides making commercial entertainers like Okkudunnadu and Prayanam. One can expect something......
Telugu director Chandrasekhar Yeleti comes up with different themes for his films like Aithe, Anukokonda Oka Roju, Okkadunnadu and Prayanam.Now, he is coming up with a new theme in his latest film,......
The hype surrounding Tamil new year, Pongal and Deepavali releases is high, with winners and losers being closely monitored. The first verdict is out, and the bigwinner of the New Year is Susi......