The Bombay high court on Friday said the death of Anuj Thapan, an accused in the case pertaining to firing outside actor Salman Khan's residence, does not appear to be a custodial death. IMAGE:......
The Mumbai police registered a new case in connection with firing outside actor Salman Khan's residence here in April and arrested a 25-year-old man from Rajasthan on charges of criminal......
A man was arrested by Navi Mumbai police from Haryana in connection with a plot to attack actor Salman Khan, taking the number of persons held in the case to five, an official said on Sunday.......
The Navi Mumbai police have arrested four members of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang for allegedly plotting to attack actor Salman Khan, a development coming in the wake of the recent firing outside his......
The Mumbai crime branch has arrested a member of the Lawrence Bishnoi gang from Rajasthan for allegedly providing financial help to the shooters involved in firing outside Bollywood superstar......