A Delhi police team Wednesday visited different police stations and locations in Purba Medinipur district of West Bengal in connection with the probe into the violence on Hanuman Jayanti at......
The Delhi Police have arrested two more persons on Thursday, in connection with the Jahangirpuri violence that took place in Delhi on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on 16 April, 2022. Photograph:......
The Delhi police has slapped the stringent National Security Act on five accused persons arrested in connection with the violence in Jahangirpuri, official sources said. IMAGE: Accused in......
The Delhi police has arrested three more people in connection with the communal clashes in Jahangirpuri, including a key "conspirator and executor" who was nabbed from West Bengal, officials said......
Thu Dec 26 21:01:21 2002 Name:ajit gokhaleCity, Country:usaYour Views:Worst actor is hard to pick as there are so many today.Thu Dec 26 21:18:51 2002 Name:Dr.J.MukherjeeCity, Country:New......