In 2009, the Congress won all seven Lok Sabha seats in New Delhi. This election, the party may not even win one, reports Anita Katyal. The April 10 election in Delhi will essentially be a contest......
As various parties go into poll mode, the Election Commission too, has requisitioned the services of its former deputy election commissioner, known for his excellent management skills, says Anita......
The recent offensive launched by the Congress against campaign committee head Narendra Modi is being viewed with a degree of apprehension by party seniors who believe that a sustained......
The government is being pushed by Congress president Sonia Gandhi to put the food bill on fast track as the Congress had promised a ‘right to food’ in its 2009 election manifesto,......
Sonia's spirited speech at the Mahila Congress event was seen as an announcement that she has not abandoned the party and will steer it through these troubled times, reports Anita Katyal. Congress......