The average yearly compensation of chief executive officers (CEOs) in India stands at Rs 13.8 crore, up 40 per cent as compared to the pre-Covid-19 year of 2020 when it was Rs 9.8 crore, a survey......
Indian companies are expected to dole out an average increment of 9.1 per cent in 2022, higher than the pre-COVID-19 increment in 2019, as companies are focusing on retention of talent through......
As many as 92 per cent companies that participated in a survey plan to give an increment in 2021 compared to only 60 per cent last year. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/ Companies in India......
Corporate India handed over an average increment of 8 per cent in 2021, and early estimates reveal that average increment for 2022 is expected to increase to 8.6 per cent in line with a healing......
The average salary of Indian chief executive officers is inching closer to their global counterparts. "On a purchasing power parity basis, salaries of Indian CEOs are beginning to increasingly......