Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma said on Wednesday that 24 people have been arrested for allegedly assaulting a doctor at a medical facility in Hojai district following the death of a......
An incredible multi-nation search operation rescued Indian Navy Officer Abhilash Tomy three days after a storm broke his boat, and seriously injured his back in a remote part of the Indian......
Commander Abhilash Tomy of the Indian Navy sailed the oceans and conquered likely death after a storm badly injured his spine and destroyed his boat.Archana Masih/ met the decorated......
The search for the crashed Malaysian jet continued on Sunday with 10 aircraft and eight ships tasked to scour the Indian Ocean, after early sightings in the new search zone drew a blank. Eight......
The search for the crashed Malaysian jetliner continued on Saturday with fresh objects spotted by planes scouring a new area of the southern Indian Ocean. A Chinese ship is scouring a new area of......
'When I crossed that point where I had the accident, I felt light and that was a very physical experience. I felt something leave me.'Shyam G Menon chronicles the voyages of that incredible Indian......