As India goes into firming up trade deals with developed nations like Australia, the United Kingdom (UK) and the regional bloc, and the European Union (EU), it will have to be well prepared to......
The rupee's sudden slide has created panic in the business and policy circles, Amitendu Palit, a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies said on Friday. "The major concerns......
Foreign direct investment in the post-liberalisation era seems to have given the "aam admi" a miss. Traditional sectors like textile and leather, which rank next only to agriculture in providing......
Economics will dominate the future relationship between China and India and it will be characterised by competition and collaboration simultaneously, says an official of ISAS.Therefore, it will be......
Remove petroleum exports from the total, and export growth has halved this year.Buoyant export demand has been one of drivers of the strong GDP growth in the last three years. Exports have chalked......