The earlier attempt at its auction had received a bid of Rs 1.09 crore as against the then reserve price of Rs 152 crore Having failed to get a good valuation in the first attempt to auction the......
On June 30, the department had rejected the sole bid of Rs 1.09 crore offered by the United Arab Emirates-based aviation support firm Alna Aero Distributional Finance Holdings, against a reserve......
UAE-based aviation support company Alna Aero Distributional Finance Holdings offered only Rs 1.09 crore. In another failed attempt at recovering money from beleaguered businessman Vijay Mallya......
SGI Commex chairman G S Srivastava, an art connoisseur, said the aircraft, an Airbus A319-133 with registration of CJ VT-VJM, will be converted into an art pilgrimage venture Days after the......