Gold prices tumbled by Rs 3,350 to Rs 72,300 per 10 grams in the local market in New Delhi on Tuesday amid subdued demand by jewellers after the government announced the customs duty cut on the......
The combined Opposition's call for a Bharat Bandh on Monday has brought most of the country to a near standstill. correspondents report from across the country: Mumbai: Senior BJP leader......
Gold prices rallied by Rs 630 to a lifetime high of Rs 82,700 per 10 grams in the national capital on Wednesday following persistent buying by jewellers and retailers amid strong global trends,......
Gold prices slumped for the second straight session by Rs 1,150 to Rs 78,350 per 10 grams in the national capital on Monday on frantic selling by stockists and retailers, the All India Sarafa......
Gold prices tumbled by Rs 3,350 to Rs 72,300 per 10 grams in the local market in New Delhi on Tuesday amid subdued demand by jewellers after the government announced the customs duty cut on the......
Gold prices may trade higher in the coming days because of weaker dollar and speculations of US Fed rate cut. Gold and silver prices continued their rally on Friday with the precious metal rising......
Jewellers and artisans in the industry staged a dharna at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi on Monday Jewellers and bullion traders in several parts of the country, including Delhi, on Monday......