On June 14, 2020, actor Sushant Singh Rajput died by suicide. His death plunged into controversy after his father K K Singh lodged an FIR in Patna on July 28 against Sushant's girlfriend Rhea......
When the All India Institute of Medical Sciences's Forensic Medical Board -- which was formed to look into Sushant Singh Rajput's death case -- ruled out murder and declared that the actor had died......
The All India Institute of Medical Sciences' Forensic Medical Board, which was formed to look into Sushant Singh Rajput's death case has ruled out the murder of the late actor in its report. "We......
Dr Sudhir Gupta, who is sought to be removed as head of All India Institutes of Medical Sciences forensic department, has alleged a "tacit understanding" between the institute's director and......
The All India Institute of Medical Sciences on Monday said the medical board has submitted its report on the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput to the Central Bureau of Investigation and any input......
Chief Ministers of several states, including Gujarat, on Monday wooed more investments from overseas Indians by flaunting developmental initiatives launched by their respective governments and......