The Bharatiya Janata Party announced on Saturday that Navya Haridas, a two-time councillor in the Kozhikode Corporation, will be the National Democratic Alliance candidate for the Wayanad Lok Sabha......
Congress women workers on Wednesday staged a protest outside Bharatiya Janata Party headquarters demanding immediate resignation of Union Minister Nihal Chand Meghwal whose name has cropped up in a......
Can only a Muslim best represent Muslims?Will Hindus not vote for a Muslim candidate?Is that why such few Muslims are given tickets? Two constituencies in Mumbai break prevalent stereotypes about......
In a scandal that has shaken the Malayalam film industry, actor-politician M Mukesh along with three other prominent actors have been booked in cases of rape and sexual assault, sparking a fierce......
The Congress party's real estate bank has been receiving complaints from state units, and Priyanka Gandhi's first formal responsibility maybe to address these woes. With Congress president Sonia......