The Delhi high court asked Bharatiya Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy and Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi to file a short note on the submissions in the National Herald case.......
The Congress party has been asked by the central government to vacate four government bungalows in the heart of the Capital including a sprawling building at 24, Akbar Road which serves as its......
Endearing, loyal and devoted to his work, Motilal Vora was the last of the Gandhian leaders in the Congress and a long-time confidant of the party's first family. IMAGE: Congress leader Motilal......
Veteran Congress leader Motilal Vora, a staunch Gandhi family loyalist who was a chief minister, Union minister and governor in a political career spanning almost five decades, died at a hospital......
Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Saturday vowed to ensure 50 per cent representation to women in the All India Congress Committee and other party wings. Gandhi made the remarks while holding......