The name of Karnataka high court Chief Justice P D Dinakaran, who is facing allegations of land grabbing, has been "delinked" from four others who have been cleared for elevation as judges of the......
Senior Indian Police Service officer Sanjeev Bhatt on Tuesday said he would challenge his suspension by the Gujarat government, claiming that the action was prompted by his petition in the Supreme......
Differences between judiciary and government continued to be aired in the open with Chief Justice of India T S Thakur on Saturday saying there is shortage of judges in high courts and tribunals......
In a move that will benefit 1,100 unemployed and unmarried daughters of freedom fighters, the Union Cabinet on Thursday enhanced their basic pension to Rs 1,500 per month. Hitherto, the eldest......
The Delhi high court on Wednesday sought the response of All India Institute of Medical Sciences forensic department head Sudhir Kumar Gupta, who had alleged discrimination after he claimed to have......
Registration of builders, adherence to approved plans and refund of money in cases of default will become mandatory under a new law that the government plans to bring in to usher in 'accountability......