Bollywood's divas looked fabulous this Diwali, adding so much glamour to the festive season. And standing next to their men gave them an extra glow. Namrata Thakker looks at the fashion files of......
Film folk sure ended the year on a very stylish note. Namrata Thakker takes a look at the high street December fashion. Photograph: Kind courtesy Rebecca Corbin-Murray/Instagram Priyanka......
'Alia nailed the bridal look perfectly.'Katrina nailed all the looks at her wedding.''Kiara was a bubbly bride, sweet and fun.' Photograph: Kind courtesy Dolly Jain/Instagram Celebrity draper......
Yes, Alia Bhatt has donned the bridal look on screen quite a few times. While we can't wait to see Ms Bhatt in her real-life bridal avatar, Namrata Thakker looks at some of her onscreen bridal......
One of the most ornamental things about art can be one of its biggest asset too. Audrey Hepburn's iconic style in Breakfast At Tiffany's hasn't lessened the movie's impact in any way. If anything,......