The Tamil Nadu police have nabbed four men from the terror outfit for the murder of Hindu Munnani leader Suresh Kumar. Their confessions disclose their deadly agenda, reports Vicky......
The investigators hunting for leads in the Chennai blasts case say they are certain that a member of the banned outfit Al-Ummah executed the attack. A member of investigation team told......
Six pipe bombs, 202 electric detonators and 17 kg of explosives. This large cache of arms was the arsenal assembled by terror outfit Al Ummah for their biggest target -- Gujarat Chief Minister and......
The Al-Ummah operatives who were arrested on Saturday after a major encounter on the Andhra Pradesh border on Saturday are providing the police with a mine of information regarding their plans.......
Police teams from Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu on Saturday busted a major group of terror outfit Al-Ummah in a 11-hour operation. What is unique about the Al-Ummah is that it is in all......