On December 26, 2004, a devastating tsunami took a huge toll on life in Tamil Nadu. A decade later, here’s a look at the changes it has brought Image: A tsunami survivor offers prayers on a......
Over 5,000 fishermen from various hamlets in the district on Thursday commenced on an indefinite strike protesting the arrest of their fellow fishermen belonging to Akkaraipettai off......
Over 5,000 fishermen from various hamlets in Nagapattinam district in Tamil Nadu on Thursday started an indefinite strike to protest the arrest of their fellow fishermen belonging to Akkaraipettai......
Four Indian fishermen were on Sunday attacked allegedly by Sri Lankan naval men off Katchatheevu, even as nine others detained by the island Navy arrived at the coastguard camp in Mandapam near......
Thirteen fishermen from Tamil Nadu have been arrested by the Sri Lankan Navy for allegedly poaching in Lankan territorial waters. The fishermen, hailing from Akkaraipettai in Nagapattinam district,......