The Delhi High Court has reduced from 14 to 12 years the jail term awarded to the lone convict in the sensational Dhaula Kuan gangrape case in which a Delhi University student was assaulted in a......
A Delhi court awarded rigorous imprisonment of 14 years to the lone arrested convict in the sensational Dhaula Kuan gangrape case on Thursday in which a Delhi University student was ravished in a......
A city court on Tuesday held guilty the lone arrested accused in the Dhaula Kuan gang rape case, in which a student of the Delhi University was raped in a speeding car, lending credence to the......
In an apparent bid to keep the party intact and stem a possible rebellion in its ranks, the Bharatiya Janata Party on Tuesday hinted at an expansion of Mayawati's council of ministers in Uttar......
After withdrawing support from the Mayawati-led government in Uttar Pradesh, the Bharatiya Janata Partyon Mondayasked Governor Vishnu Kant Shastri to immediately dismiss the state government. "The......