The Gujarat high court on Wednesday rejected an inquiry report submitted by the state government into a boat tragedy in Vadodara and ordered a fresh probe, noting it absolves a former civic chief,......
The Gujarat high court on Monday took suo motu cognisance of the Morbi bridge collapse tragedy and issued notices to the state government and local authorities and also sought a status report in......
Gujarat deputy chief minister Nitin Patel on Friday said the state government will move the Supreme Court against the High Court's last week order staying certain sections of the contentious law......
The Gujarat High Court on Monday held as maintainable a batch of petitions challenging the provisions of Gujarat Prohibition Act, 1949 which bans the manufacture, sale and consumption of liquor in......
The Gujarat High Court on Thursday rejected a plea filed by Mahatma Gandhi's great-grandson Tushar Gandhi against Sabarmati Ashram redevelopment project, after the state government assured that it......