RBI said a total of 8,707 frauds involving Rs 1 lakh and above were detected during 2019-20 involving an amount of Rs 185,644 crore. Illustration: Dominic Xavier/Rediff.com The average lag......
With a view to protect prudent commercial decision of bankers, the government has taken a slew of decisions, including doing away with personal responsibilities of MD and CEO of PSBs for compliance......
The Securities and Exchange Board of India has decided to reopen 89 investment decisions by the erstwhile Unit Trust of India and appoint nearly 70 auditors to scrutinise the cases. The......
The finance ministry has decided to refer 19 audit cases pertaining to investments by the erstwhile Unit Trust of India in companies including Reliance Industries Ltd and Essar Oil to the advisory......
With an aim to safeguard the investors from possible frauds involving collective investment schemes, the government has proposed a high-level committee of members from Reserve Bank, Sebi, Corporate......
The Enforcement Directorate has issued notice to the BCCI to explain transfer and routing of funds to the tune of Rs 1,600 crore in the conduct of the second season of Indian Premier League cricket......