Basant Kumar Birla, chairman of the Rs 8,000-crore (Rs 80 billion)BK Birla group, has altered his succession plan and at the hub of the change is the Rs 2,500-crore (Rs 25 billion)diversified......
B K Birla, grandfather of industrialist Kumarmangalam Birla, was the chairman of Century Textiles and Industries and had been active in business since the age of 15.He was instrumental in a slew of......
Brand awareness, brand building, brand management and the whole concept of 'Business Organisation as a Brand' is relatively new in India. It is an outcome of the liberalised and competitive......
Listed companies would be liable to spend Rs 8,100 crore (Rs 81 billion) in all on corporate social responsibility for 2012-13, with the new Companies Act making it mandatory for them to earmark......
The Indian MF industry’s assets under management (AUM) has grown from Rs 246 million as on March 31, 1965 to Rs 22.60 trillion as on May 31, 2018. Illustration: Uttam Ghosh/ Over......