The Punjab Police has ordered the withdrawal of security of 424 people, including former MLAs, Jathedars of two Takhts, heads of Deras, and police officers. Image only for representation.......
'The main reason people go to other countries is unemployment in Punjab' 'Sometimes I wish ISIS had killed me too' They left home dreaming of better lives and returned in caskets. Yet,......
A massive fire broke out at the Indian Oil Coporation's fuel depot in Sitapura industrial area in the outskirts of Jaipur on Thursday night killing five people and injuring 150, the police said.......
Terror struck Ludhiana on Sunday when six people were killed and 30 injured in a blast in one of the three cinema halls in a multiplex located in a busy shopping area of this industrial town in......
In a sensational jailbreak, chief of Khalistan Liberation Front terrorist outfit Harminder Mintoo on Sunday escaped along with five other prisoners after armed men in police uniform stormed the......
The drama over the theft of confidential documents from the petroleum and natural gas ministry continued on Friday, with the crime branch of the Delhi Police arresting seven more persons on charges......