A Kolkata court has declared a purported marriage between actor turned Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan and city-based businessman Nikhil Jain in Turkey as legally invalid. Jain had moved a suit......
Actor-turned-Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan, who is currently shooting in London for a Bengali film, has sought additional security protection after getting death threats on social media for......
Amid the uproar over 'love jihad', Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan on Monday said that love and jihad don't go hand in hand and people come up with certain topics like this just before......
Actor and Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan has courted controversy after she apparently lost cool and abandoned a roadshow midway in North 24 Parganas district, contending that she does not take......
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee called for religious harmony and togetherness on Thursday as she inaugurated the ISKCON Rathyatra festival, the largest in the city. Banerjee, who was......