Three Congress members of the Lok Sabha, who had reached the speaker's podium leading to their suspension from the house, on Friday expressed regret for their behaviour to the privileges committee......
A day before the start of the Budget session, the chairs of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha on Monday revoked the suspension of 14 Opposition MPs, allowing them to attend House proceedings,......
As many as 78 opposition members -- 33 in Lok Sabha and 45 in Rajya Sabha -- were suspended from Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on Monday for disrupting proceedings in both the Houses of Parliament.......
Three persons, including the president and general secretary of the Assam Miya Parishad, have been detained for their alleged association with terror outfits, police said on Wednesday. Photograph:......
Parliamentarians on Monday demanded that the government formulate a policy to allow students evacuated from war-torn Ukraine to complete their medical education in universities in India. IMAGE:......